Strange Days

Coming April 2019

The start of Skye Cassidy's adult life is also the beginning of the world ending as she knows it. After adeadly flu-like illness sweeps across the country, decimating the population, Skye is left to scrounge for what she needs and try to come to terms with her increasingly lonely existence. She is determined to live, but will she survive with her sanity intact?

"When everything is lost but hope, Skye is forced to rebuild her life anew. She has two choices before her: to succumb to misery or to be part of a bold new future. This is a captivating story of tragedy, loss, and a triumphant rebirth." — Esther Wairimu, San Francisco Book Review
“A grim, compelling tale of survival, Strange Days by Sharon Mikeworth takes a fresh angle on apocalyptic fiction. This is a book highlighting the loneliness of the human experience, which is powerfully conveyed even without the context of an epidemic. … Mikeworth's insight into human nature is visceral, particularly for readers who have struggled with solitude, trauma and loss. Though this vision of the future is a troubling one, Strange Days works to remind readers of their humanity, and humility, and perhaps spark greater appreciation for all that they already have, and all that they take for granted.” — editor, SPR